Friday, November 8, 2013

On acting like a kitten....

We have amazingly cute kittens.  They are about six months old and our days are filled with their zest for...well...being kittens.  I think there are lessons to be learned from how they view life.  The pic below is the best I could get of them wrestling.  They are

The kittens spend all day playing...jumping, tumbling and being outright crazy.  As they jump from the ledge to the top of the bookcase kittens don't stop to think; hey, that is WAY too high.  No way I can get my fuzzy rear up there.  They just jump and give it their all on the first jump.  Rarely do they miss...sadly I am too busy laughing to cat-olog (see how I did that?) the misses with a camera.

On relationships; the kittens continue to try and get the older (6 year female) cat to play with them.  They will smack at her from hidden corners or jump out as she saunters down the hall.  99.999999% of the time she pops them in the face and they run off.  Yet they come back...trying to draw in a new friend for play.  This is what she wants to do does all day.

On trying new things: have you ever seen a kitten examining a gap between the couch/bookshelf/bed/etc for fit check?  NOPE.  They run at it like their butts are on fire and make themselves as flat as they can and slip under or inside.  They seem to defy the laws of quantum mechanics as their bodies occupy the same space as solid pieces of furniture.

Never once do they doubt that they can do what they set out to do.  Why?  Is it because they are stupid?  Because they are learning (or not) their limits?  Or is it because that they are so full of vigor and vitality that they do not pause to consider that they have have limits?

I think it is a bit of all of those.  When considering my goals...I am going to think about my crazy felines who are incredibly successful at being crazy felines.  They NEVER consider something based upon a preconceived notion that they can't do it.  They just give it their all and go. would they go from this:

To this:

And then finally, this:
So, my goal is to charge at a WOD the way my kittens would.  To not look at the end and think how I am I ever going to do 100 double unders after all that other stuff.  I can because I don't think I can't.  Simple.

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