Thursday, November 21, 2013

My "boring" military husband

There have been many posts as of late about the 'Boring Husband'.  I both love and loathe these posts.  My husband is all of these things but is anything but boring.  I do not like the idea of classifying what he does and characterizing it...but it comes down to the fact that love is shown in the ordinary not the extraordinary.

As a military family these expressions become more complicated by distance and time away.  Frequent moves, uncertainty for location, separations from family (brothers, sisters, cousins, moms and dads), deployments and a crazy fun lifestyle.

NOTE: I am not one to complain about our lifestyle.  Yes, it is challenging and not for everyone but it is awesome and fun so we continue.  I wouldn't choose any other way to live...but I wouldn't do it for just anyone. I love this it is a worthy endeavor.

What is boring about my Military husband?

1.  He calls me when he can and emails when he cant.  He asks about the kids and does everything he can to be engaged and involved despite being on a boat or 6 or more time zones away.  He chats with the girls about drawings of '????' and fakes it until he can ask me what they are talking about.  He loves his children how he can when he can.

2.  He values what is important to me even if he isn't here to enjoy those things with me. 

3.  He supports my endeavors regardless of their level of insanity.

4.  Most importantly, he realizes that the decisions that are made while he is unavailable and deployed are my decisions that I make considering his desires and sometimes they are off the mark but he supports and backs them up.  100% of the time.

5.  While gone for deployment...he taught our son to make coffee (Keurig people...nothing extraordinary there) so I would still have the luxury of having my coffee brought to me.  I am a much nicer person after a it is also protective of our kiddos.  :-)

Most importantly, and the impetus for this post, he kept my plant alive.  As I said before...we move...often and I love houseplants.  But, I never buy them as then it tempts fate that we will move overseas (again) and I will have to give it away or the plant will die.  So, 10 months ago I bought (1) houseplant.  I even bought a very pretty container for it.  Then we found out that we were moving cross country and decided to move into our RV (with our 3 children, 2 dogs while I work full time and home school) for several months.  The houseplant came with into the RV.  To Disney, to the Desert, to Lassen NP, to the Beach.  It was my mascot and symbol of resiliency.  Then...I left him in California and moved here to Maryland...and I forgot the plant.  During this time, he lived in our RV then with our friends and on then on the USS Ronald Reagan.  I expected it to die...undernourished and forgotten.  Today he arrived in Maryland after driving across country and what did he have with him?  Oh, my bike, my collection of Riedel glasses, several bottles of swanky aged balsamic vinegar that he saved plant.  The PLANT.  He kept it alive and arranged for its care.  I is just a plant.  A boring plant.  But, true love lives in the boring details.  True love and devotion comes from the months apart, the hours on the phone, the willingness to help, the tolerance as your mate expresses their interests (note...adopting a 'few' animals)
and...the plant.  The plant that is still alive.  I am easily amused but this plant looks awesome...don't you think??

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